Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Peace Corps Extension

Earlier this year I got a community project funded here in Chongoene to build a literacy center to educate illiterate adults who were not given the opportunity to finish school as children.  The project is moving along slowly but surely, but if it finishes on schedule, it would open in November of this year.  That would also be around the time of my COS (Close of Service) date, when I would head home to the United States. 
I want to be there during the first few months of operation to be able to develop a curriculum, find competent instructors, and make sure that the center is sustainable and can continue operating when I do return to the United States.  As a result, I requested an official extension of service through Peace Corps for an extra six months.  My request was accepted, so I will officially stay on as a Peace Corps Volunteer here in Mozambique until May 2013!  I am very excited to have the opportunity to stay on and work more as a community volunteer in Chongoene, as I will no longer be teaching.  There will be another volunteer coming in December to replace my teaching position at the Secondary School, so it will be nice to have another volunteer around also!

I am also very happy to be staying on for extra time to spend more time here with my boyfriend, Francelino.  He is at a boarding school this year which is about 6 hours away and we have only had the opportunity to see each other once a month.  His program finishes in December, and he will be certified as a primary school English teacher (6th and 7th grade)!

Those who know me know how much I love Christmas, cold weather, snow, and most things related to winter in New England, so missing another Christmas at home would be devastating for me (and my family :) ).  As a result, I will be coming home for three weeks over the Christmas holidays. AND (drum roll)….I will be bringing Francelino with me to visit the United States and meet all of my family and friends!  We are so thankful and excited to have this opportunity and it will surely be the trip of a lifetime (for both of us!).  We will be in the U.S. from December 24th to January 13th; hope to see some of you then!

1 comment:

Marisa said...

I know this was posted awhile ago! But I can't wait to meet Francelino and see you! I have off from school until Jan 14 for winter break, you two should come down to Boston in January!