Some of the kids in my "turma" after cooking at my house at the school anniversary party.

Some of the 11th grade students in my turma outside my house.

The participants in the fashion show modeling their traditional capulana wear.

More capulana wear during the fashion show.

A student strutting her stuff during the "uniform wear" section of our fashion show.

Two students performing a little theater act.

Two students reading poems that they wrote. (They were really good!)

Me and the other judges during the fashion show at my school.

The directors of the school and other teachers.
How come that girl has an off the shoulder dress with no sleeves - I thought that wasn't permitted?
hey michelle !!! great work !!! i'm Himanshu Sharma from India and i'm helping a very dear friend of mine, Irene Greaves, to raise funds for a school in Macia, Mozambique. We have a FB page you can see and "like"..http://www.facebook.com/kukulamozambique.
I don't know if you'd like to get involved, but it would be wonderful if you could, in any way. Write to me at hsetsfire@gmail.com.
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